Getting 15 to 20 sales for your high ticket offer every single month is just a numbers game. You really just have to look at the numbers and work out in reverse how many calls you need, how many people you need to watch your VSL, how many people you need to see your opt-in pages, and then you would have the actual number of visitors that you need to your website to make 15 to 20 sales every single month. It is plain numbers. It’s no emotions.

For example, let’s assume that you’re running a sales call funnel, where you convert booked calls at 25%. That’s one in every four sales calls. To get 20 sales, you need 80 sales calls, right? 80 calls into 25% is 20 sales. Assuming that your VSL has a 5% call booking rate, meaning that 5% of people who see your VSL end up booking a call with you, you need 1,600 people to watch your VSL. To get 1,600 people to watch a webinar or VSL and at a 33% conversion rate on your opt-in page, you need 4,800 visitors every single month.

It’s really all simple math. But people get emotional and stop their ads whenever the source that they’re getting leads from is not getting sales immediately or it’s costing them a little more money than they’re comfortable paying. But at the end of the day, if you’re selling a $5,000 product, 15 to 20 sales means $75,000 to $100,000. Even if you spend $30,000-$40,000 in ads, it still makes amazing business sense to continue on this journey. Even if you work at a 2% call booking rate, the numbers will still make sense.

You have to understand that this is real life and real business, and sometimes the sales don’t happen immediately. But if you work on the numbers and trust the math, you’re going to succeed. This is what most successful businesses do and what most newbies fail to understand. They don’t get emotional. Successful businesses don’t get emotional about these things. They work on their numbers.

Let’s talk about some crucial factors now on how to get the right leads for your offers. But first, let’s talk about what determines lead quality.

What Determines Lead Quality

  1. The Problem That You’re Solving: If you’re solving a problem that’s not a bleeding neck problem that needs a solution as soon as possible, you’re not going to be able to charge a high ticket amount for it. Hobbyists will not spend thousands of dollars. For example, if there’s a hobby photographer who loves to take nature photographs, he’s not going to be open to spending $3,000 or $5,000 to improve his skills because it’s just a hobby. On the other hand, if you are teaching wedding photographers how to get $10,000-$15,000 clients every single month and get booked solid for the entire year, that is something that they would consider buying because the ROI on the investment is easy to understand.
  2. People Who Can Afford Your Services: If you attract people who cannot afford your services, you’re going to waste a ton of time because they’re not going to be able to afford your services, and they’re not going to be able to pay you.

    You have to stop selling.

    You cannot sell Rolexes to college kids; they simply don’t have the money.
  3. People Who You Can Genuinely Help: This is crucial because if you try to get sales when you cannot actually help them…

    …just because you’re better than them at marketing, you might succeed for a short time, but you’re not going to succeed in the long run.

    If you cannot help people genuinely solve their problems, you have no business selling them stuff.

    You should actually work on your skills, build something up that will genuinely help people, and then you can attract good quality leads that will help you build a happy business.
  4. Ads That You Run to Attract the Leads: If you’re running ads that use words like free, no cost, complimentary, free bonuses, this ad will attract people who are not really the kind of audience that you want to have on your VSL or even your email list because you attracted them with the idea of getting something for free.

    Freebie seekers are not the best audience to have. For example, if I run an ad for how to get 10,000 email subscribers for free, it will be very hard for me to sell them on a service that shows them how to build that 10,000 people list.

    I’ve tried this personally. The CPC and the CTRs are going to be through the roof; you’re going to get tons of cheap leads, but they’re not going to be buying.

    On the other hand, when I changed this ad from how to get 10,000 subscribers for free to only for serious Clickbank affiliates, it just skyrocketed. I got more sales.

    Of course, the leads cost a little bit more, but I got more sales from these leads because when I targeted only Clickbank people, they are in essence people who have already done their research, they know what Clickbank is, so they’re not complete newbies.

    They’re right in the middle of the awareness.
  5. VSL/Webinars/Sales Page: If on your VSL or the sales page, you’re using terms like free, complimentary, book a free call, and you’re not really disqualifying people who are not great, you’re going to end up with a bunch of applications from people who cannot buy. The way you disqualify people is you use sentences like, if you are [specific audience] and want to get [specific result], this product is great for you. But this is not for people who cannot afford to invest in their growth, people who are okay with no growth, no change kind of lifestyle. This is not for you. I cannot help you because this will require an investment from your end. Just by mentioning this in the VSL, you will filter out a bunch of people. You could also say something like, this is not for people who don’t have a work ethic or who do not understand how a business works. This will require an investment from your end.

Different Ways to Attract Quality Leads

Direct Phone Call Funnels:

  • Pre-Selling: They need to know four things before they decide to buy from you:
    • They need your services.
    • You are trustworthy.
    • Your product actually works.
    • You are their best bet.
  • The conversion rates on these free opt-in → VSL funnel have gone down over the years because everyone is an expert, but it still works well.
  • You’ll end up with a bunch of leads who do not actually buy anything from you.
  • Only 3% will be ready to buy at any point.
  • 10-15% need to be educated before they take the decision to work with you.
  • You’re not just competing against your competition; you’re competing against any other use of their money. They could get a car or your high ticket program. You are competing against everything they can spend their money on.
  • I’ve had people not work with me because they have to pay for X, Y, or Z that is eventually going to be a liability and depreciate in value like a car.

FSO Funnels:

  • There is an entire series I’ve written about FSOs or First Step offers.
  • Basically, these are low ticket front end offers that are priced at under $10.
  • This changes the relationship from a freebie seeker to a transactional relationship.
  • This gets the best leads because they are going to listen to you better because they paid you.
  • Your emails get better open rates and responses.
  • Also, if you do it right, they offset the actual cost of advertising and you end up with buyer leads who you can upgrade to the next step in your funnel.

Consumption-Based Funnels (Community, Facebook Groups, YouTube Videos, Instagram):

  • There are under-the-radar consumption-based funnels where you deliver a ton of value upfront.
  • You get them to consume your content that builds trust, authority, and rapport, and then you open spots for your private help for a limited time.
  • You then funnel people from these funnels into your sales process by booking a call directly or making them watch a VSL and then booking a call.
  • Consumption-based funnels are great because if you have enough interaction in the funnel, you will automatically become the authority because a ton of other people are following you for advice.
  • You don’t have to start with 10,000 people either; small active groups are just as effective.
  • Tools: Skool, Facebook groups, or even your own blog.
  • Skool is fairly popular because it has built-in gamification.
  • The content you should share inside these funnels includes:
    • Results in Advance posts.
    • AHA moment or Tell me more posts.
    • Testimonials from past clients.
    • Struggle to solution posts.
    • Your own experience with the #1 problem and how you solved it.
    • Results or screenshots of client results.
  • To make it the most effective, you need content that would attract a lot of interaction.
  • If your community reads comments that make you look like a celebrity, you’ll attract clients automatically. People get attracted to celebrities. “People are walking around with their umbilical cords waiting to plug it into… Dan Kennedy quote.”

How to Choose the Best Funnel for You? Which is the Best Funnel to Get $30-100K Per Month?

  • Have more money than content: Choose the Opt-in → VSL → Call booking funnel.
  • Have a low-ticket offer already: Use the FSO Funnel. The low ticket offer could also just be a part of your bigger flagship offer with a separate VSL solving one specific problem.
  • Have an email list and followers already: Use the community-based funnel. This usually is a long-term play because you get to keep building your community and sell once a month or whatever you choose.

Purely Logical Approach to Guaranteed Outcome

For 15-20 sales, you need 4,800 visitors. Numbers don’t lie. Compete on facts and numbers, not emotions or desperation.

Sales are Made Before the Phone is Picked

Remember, most sales are made before the call is booked….

…Final 5-10% push and answering questions.

The Future of Sales in the Era of Rising Skepticism and Scams

The future of sales is attraction marketing. You can no longer force people into buying from you.

They have to want to buy from you because you’re someone they trust, they know can deliver, and have a product that can solve their problem. Push marketing is infinitely harder than attracting the right audience.

You have to be clear in what you can help people with. Don’t be a jack of all trades.

You cannot be a weight loss expert and a make money online person all at the same time.

Do not spread yourself too thin.

