The main reason is your approach… you’re trying to make $10,000 per month selling low ticket affiliate products or your own offers (anything under $100).
I have helped a lot of people personally… more than 5,300 calls done and 1 common trend that is evident is BLINDLY FOLLOWING GURU ADVICE.

A Clickbank offer showing you how to promote a $47 product for a 60% commission = $28.20 for you PER SALE.
To get to $10,000 you need 354 sales.
At a 2% Conversion rate that means being able to drive 17,700 unique visitors to the offer.
Q: Do you have the skills necessary to get 17,700 visitors? 1,000 maybe?
Q: The budget for getting this traffic?
That is where people are stuck.
Even if we double…hell let’s triple the money you make. So let’s say you make $28.20 X 3 = $84.6 per sale.
To get to $10,000 you need 118 sales. At a 2% Conversion rate on cold traffic you need 5,900 visitors!
Even if the gurus say the money is in the backend nobody buys a $1,000-$2,000 on a mobile device….. whereas almost 80% of the sales for lower ticket items are on mobile phones.
And when YOUR CUSTOMER (the person who bought the $47 product from your affiliate link) changes devices to buy the higher ticket BACKEND OFFER→ There is no cookie data!
No cookie data = No sale credited to you…. and free money for the product vendor.
There is money in the backend, just not for you!
The only 2 Ways To Fix it:
There are only 2 ways you can fix this:
- You can create your own offer with upsells and downsells so that you control the entire line of products and make the money regardless of the cookie tracking.
- Borrow a high ticket offer that’s proven to convert into sales and you have direct access to the creator of the product.
Let’s talk about each of this in a bit of detail now:
1. Creating Your Own Product:
You’ll notice that the majority of people who are making really good money online have their own offers that they sell in the marketplace.
The gurus you follow became gurus because they had offers and knew how to get traffic to these offers.
The online money equation is simple: Traffic + Offers = Money in the Bank!
Without offers you don’t need traffic and without traffic you cannot make money with the offers.
…both are essential parts to make good money. Can we agree on that?
Also, do you agree that the people that you follow or see posting about their success online all have something to sell?
Affiliate marketing is a side-business for them… while they sell their own stuff they built an email list and following…
So when they want to make some BONUS or FREE money they can just write an email and send it out to their list to get affiliate commissions.
They do their business first and then affiliate marketing. And people who struggle do it in reverse!
“If this is the Truth Prashant, Why don’t people do it?“
Two things: Time and Skills!
Most people don’t have the time to put together a funnel with upsells, downsells, then writing emails, doing the video sales letters, figuring out payments, delivery and all the other moving parts.
And more than time, most people don’t have the necessary skills to get this done.
So if that’s you, you’re going to love #2 because it gets you the maximum leverage and the highest chance of success.

2. Borrowing a High Ticket Business:
What do I mean by borrowing and what are the parts that are included with a good borrowed business?
Look, low ticket or high ticket these are some of the parts that are involved in creating a successful online business:
I’ve broken them down into 3 parts (1) Product (2) Funnel (3) Traffic.

Remember the online money equation? Traffic + Offer = Money in the bank!
The funnel is part of the offer part in this equation. It’s your shop in the online space – unless you setup shop nobody can buy = NO money for you!
These are just the moving parts of an online business. Over and above that you need these skills:

So as you can see there are tons of things that you have to do and for an average person with a full time job this gets too overwhelming.
Most people wake up to go to the job that doesn’t pay what they are worth, or they hate their jobs and the commute to work and by the time they are done with this JOB, running errands, taking care of the family – they can only squeeze in 1-2 hours to build an online business.
And that is not enough! Especially when you are competing against people who are doing it full time.
The only option these people have to make $10,000-$20,000 per month consistently is to borrow a business that is already doing good numbers.
Borrowing essentially means licensing the offer to sell as your own and you take a juicy $2,000+ commission on each sale instead of measly $28-$88 peanuts.
Here’s What is Included in a Good Borrowed Business:
- The offer(s) that are tried and tested to produce money.
- The funnel is done-for-you.
- VSLs already tested and tweaked for maximum conversions.
- The email marketing is done-for-you.
- The ads for paid traffic or social media content for organic marketing is included.
- A sales team closing sales on your behalf and anytime someone buys you get high ticket sales.
- Almost 95% of the hard work already taken care of.
Think a McDonald’s franchise where the burgers, sodas, fries are already in place and your job is only to take care of the 5% work which is outlined in the manuals.
…And most importantly whenever you choose a company like this you should have direct access to the creator.
If you’re talking to support team then you’re not really going to make it because the owners success is not tied in with your success.
Borrowing literally hijacks an existing business and let’s you get the commissions which are in most cases $2,000+.
So to get to $10,000 you need just 5 sales. A ton of people are able to do these 3-5 sales organically meaning no extra ad spend.
5 sales versus the hundreds with low ticket. The way I see it the choice is quite obvious.
If you want to borrow a business – watch this video.
- You’re not doing basic math correctly and making $10,000 per month with a $28.2 or $100 commission is WAY HARDER than high ticket.
- It takes almost the same amount of effort to sell low ticket and high ticket. With high ticket you get better buyers that you can serve better and deliver results for.
- There are only 2 ways to do $10-20K consistently (1) Create your own offer with upsells, downsells, funnels and email marketing or (2) Borrow a business.
- If you’re working 1-2 hours a day because of a job or because you don’t know what to do – get help. You’re competing against full time people who work day in and day out so 1-2 hours won’t cut it.
- High ticket is the easiest path to $10-20K. I want to get you in a position with the blog that $20K is a basic hygiene standard for you.
- And as I always say: “Not knowing how to make $20,000 per month is COSTING YOU $20,000 a month! You don’t know what you don’t know – get help.
- There isn’t enough time, money loves speed. So trying to figure out everything alone is really stupid honestly. The best question in business is WHO knows this? and not HOW can I do it? Developing the skills takes years of efforts.
- Ask: WHO can solve this for me NOW! And get in touch.
Let me know if you need anything,