Want to know the fastest way to succeed in anything in life?

It’s a simple question: Who not HOW!

Whenever I’m stuck in a tough situation there is only 1 thing that works for me….

…and when I really think about it – in most cases it’s the same thing for almost everyone under this beautiful sun.

Asking The Right Questions:

The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your answers.

Garbage in → Garbage out!

The question that gets you the results in the fastest time possible is WHO not HOW.

You do not have unlimited time here.

Your time is the most valuable and scarce resource…. the scary thing about time is – it FLIES faster than you think.

If you’re around 35-40 years old. You’ve literally lived half your life (assuming you’re going to live till 80).

And as you progress through life you take on more responsibilities.

Growing kids, family responsibilities, random chores, people taking up your time… meaning you have less and less time to work on your own projects.

Most men die at 25, but just aren’t buried until they’re 75.

Ben Franklin

This is true. What he meant was WE STOP DREAMING.

We have chains of responsibilities holding us down (happy, unhappy, necessary, unnecessary – I’m nobody to decide that).

The only way we can fly is to strengthen our wings and use leverage.

What Leverage? Using Someone Else’s Time!

Using someone else’s time! You don’t have to understand how electricity gets to your home from the electricity generation plant.

…you still use it and you pay monthly for it.

But when it comes to business or learning a skill – you want to do it alone!
That’s stupid.

There are people who have been in your shoes with a similar life path, they worked hard, faced obstacles, figured out things and now can help you because they have been through the trenches.

All you have to do is find these people and ask direct questions.

The fastest way to succeed at anything is finding someone who has what you want and ask them how they got it.

And when you achieve that you find someone more successful in whatever area you want to progress in and repeat the process.

That is why every top athlete also has a mentor/coach.

You always need to keep upgrading your circle, your coaches, mentors and ultimately your life!

This is what I mean by WHO not HOW:

Instead of trying to figure out HOW to do everything from scratch.
Just find someone WHO knows how to do it and get help from them.

This will save you years of hard work… and you don’t really need to learn a ton of new skills.

Don’t Spend MAJOR TIME on Minor Things

Jim Rohn

99% major in minor things and life takes them for a ride and before they know it they are desperate because nothing is working, they are down and feel they are not getting results… Working on the right things is the north star.

You could work all day everyday and never hit $100,000 if you don’t work on high level activities.

If you’re an online business coming up with a product idea, copywriting, financing and understanding economics to scale the business are major things (among others).

But you don’t really have to learn how to code in php, or build funnels, or cut up a youtube video into shorts to succeed.

Lower level stuff often also takes more time.

Last thoughts:

  1. Don’t major in minor things.
  2. Who not HOW.
  3. Ask the right questions.
  4. Think higher level activities and even if you have to do things yourself and alone right now – don’t get stuck in doing it all alone.
  5. Use Leverage!