So today when I woke up my first thought was “What can I share today that’ll help my clients and friends make more money from their offers?”

And this post is a direct answer to the question! See… in business the person who can spend the most to acquire a client will always win because you can acquire customers at scale.

Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer WINS.

Dan Kennedy

That is why AOV or average order value is super important.

For Example:

If I have an average order value of $5,000 meaning that on an average each customer I get spends $5,000 with me and I’m competing against someone who’s maximum possible AOV is $2,000 I will always win!

Even if the competition has multiple products like $10 → $97 → $397 → $497 → $997 and a customer buys their entire funnel the AOV cannot be bigger than the total of the prices of their Front End + OTOs + Downsells.

In this case the total AOV even at a 100% conversion rate meaning anyone who buys the FE ends up buying the entire funnel is $1998.

$10 + $97 + $397 + $497 + $997 = $1,998 (rounded off to $2K)

The reason is simple – The maximum money a person can spend with my competition is $2,000 where with me it’s $5,000 (just an example, in reality I do have a $25K offer).

So their AOV can be a maximum of $2,000 if they have a 100% conversion rate.
And at the same conversion rate mine would be $5,000.

So if the CPA (cost per acquisition) meaning the money I have to spend on ads, outreach, banners or any other marketing activity is $2,000 the competition will break-even while I profit $3,000.

This is a major advantage because….honestly…. we are not giant corporates.

Most of my people are small businesses or solopreneurs who have some money to spend but cannot spend $100K just to get customers at a break-even price and then sell them other stuff on the backend.

We need to profit right now if possible.

That is what AOV helps you achieve – market dominance because you can spend more.

Again, this is just an example. But I hope you get the point.

How I increased my AOV on my OTO 1 from 30% to 68.84% And Made an extra $17,415 as a result:

The funnel looks like this:

FE → Checkout with Bump → OTO 1 → OTO 2 → OTO 3 → Downsell

The 3 Things I did To Boost Conversions:

What I did to increase my conversions on my OTO 1 was simple:

  • Delayed the payment or call to action button on the OTO 1 page so I sort of forced them into watching the entire 3 minute video!
  • Then I added a code that said “Your next step will show in XX mins XX seconds”.
  • I delayed the email receipt and product delivery emails by 20 mins because I noticed people jumped off as soon as they got the delivery emails and if they are not on the funnel I cannot sell them more stuff.

That’s really it. See how it looks below:

→ Without the code and just the delay bumped it up from 30% to 43%.
→ Then I added the simple code that counts down and it bumped it up to 68.84%.

Here’s the code that I used:

<div id="countdownWrapper" style="text-align: center; font-family: inherit;">
    <p style="color: #FFFFFF;"><strong>Your Next Steps Will Appear in <span id="countdownTimer" style="font-size: 18px; color: #ffb500;">1 mins, 50 seconds</span></strong></p>

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
    let countdownTime = 110 * 1000; // 1 minute and 50 seconds in milliseconds
    const countdownWrapper = document.getElementById('countdownWrapper');
    const timerElement = document.getElementById('countdownTimer');

    const countdown = setInterval(function() {
        countdownTime -= 1000; // Update countdown every second

        let minutes = Math.floor(countdownTime / (1000 * 60));
        let seconds = Math.floor((countdownTime % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);

        timerElement.textContent = `${minutes} mins, ${seconds} seconds`;

        if (countdownTime <= 0) {
   = 'none'; // Hide the entire block
    }, 1000); // Update interval set to 1 second for smoother countdown

If you’re a bit technical you can fix it yourself to suit your funnels.

If you’re not technical just copy paste the entire code into ChatGPT and you can ask it to change the font, the time, the color of the font. Here are the ChatGPT prompts:

  • Take this code and instead of 1 minute 50 seconds modify it to countdown from XX minutes XX seconds.
  • Change the color of the text from FFFFFF to XXXXX (enter hex code)
  • Change the font to WHATEVER.

I hope you use it, test it and prosper.


  1. Be the person who can spend the most to acquire a client and you will win. This is achieved by increase AOV (We’ll talk about LTV in another post).
  2. Delaying the CTA button on the OTO page is a income booster…. I know it pisses of some people but it makes more money.
  3. Delay the delivery emails of your product by just 20 minutes (instead of instant) and see more conversions. This sort of forces them to stay on the funnel for longer and the longer they are there the more you can sell.

    If they buy and you instantly deliver the emails they will quickly hop off your funnel and check their emails for the delivery details. Most purchases are being made on a mobile phone today especially low-ticket sales. So once they go from their browser to their gmail app – you have lost a potential sale.
  4. Use the countdown code to tell them that their next steps will show in XX mins – again aimed at keeping them on the funnel for longer.
  5. And if you don’t have a higher ticket backend offer – build one ASAP. Remember what Dan Kennedy said: The business that can spend the most to acquire a customer WINS!