This post is ONLY for you if you already have your own products but are finding it hard to get sales or scale your businesses to $500,000.
If you’re an affiliate there are other posts that help you but this will only benefit product owners.
People who fail have funnels that look like this:

The problem with this is your love for the stupid optin page even when selling low ticket.
See, I owned and operated the #1 email traffic directory in the world for almost a decade and have sent millions of emails myself. The directory was called and I exited that company back in September, 2022.

But I’ve been selling traffic and getting traffic and converting that traffic into sales since 2013.

I started this online business adventure back in 2008 (started selling traffic in 2013) and I know this stuff like the back of my hand because this is all I’ve ever done….
The optin page is the bread and butter of a solo ad or email traffic vendor but when you’re trying to scale your business using ads – it just adds an extra step which means that LESS PEOPLE SEE YOUR VSL which is where the sale is made.
The more steps you have the more people will fall off. Let me explain it visually. If you have an optin page only 40% people will actually see your VSL.
Without it all the people that click your ad at least land on the VSL page.

If you eliminate the optin page for your low ticket front end offers you get more people to watch the SALES PROCESS (VSL)…. the math doesn’t work out for collecting emails on low ticket offers.
…high ticket is a different ball game and I talk about that in other posts but if you’re doing low ticket STOP COLLECTING EMAILS.
The emails that you collect, look at the open rates on the follow up series that you have. Hardly 20% will open after 7 days and even fewer will click.
I’d much rather collect more money upfront than HOPE for conversions at a later date… because the gurus have you believing the money is in the follow up.
If you’re not at $500K+ yet, ditch the optin for now and follow my lead. I promise I want to help and will help!
A 6 Figure Funnel Looks Like This:

What you DO NOT SEE is an optin page.
What you WILL SEE is 3 OTOs and a very well structured $5,000 backend offer.
And I will teach you a trick to structure your business that works better than anything else and is completely opposite of what most people do or teach. What is my trick? Here:
I build the funnels in reverse!
I don’t build the Front end or OTOs first like other people. I do the more expensive stuff first because that is where the money is.
Then I take parts of the high ticket and include it as OTOs (no extra work).
When I have the bigger ticket items taken care of I plan my FIRST STEP OFFER. The first step offer or like others call it low ticket front end offer is just to start a transaction with the client.
Once I have their credit card on file it’s easier to do business with them IF I DELIVER. Nobody works with a scammer again and again…. and LTV of a customer is key for a long term business.
Anyway, so once I have my high ticket programs done or at least planned out I start building the funnel in reverse.
The FSOs are pre-qualifiers, let me give you an example:
Let’s say I have a Facebook ad agency and my end goal is to get them to hire me at $10,000 per month to handle the ads for them. And I specialise in roofing businesses and getting them sales.
This is how how I’d approach it:
I’d start thinking about the RED CIRCLE FIRST – the $10,000 offer.
Then extract the $197 and $297 Offers.
Then finally do the front end which is relatively simple because it such low price that as long as you solve 1 SPECIFIC PROBLEM for 1 SPECIFIC PERSON in your target audience you have an incredible FSO funnel that leads to backend sales.

NEVER start from the front because what is going to happen in that case is you’re going to leave a lot of money on the table.
You may get sales but maybe someone would’ve bought the Bump Offer, the $197 OTO 1 and $297 OTO 2…. But since you don’t have it – you left money on the table.
Don’t EVER start from the front.
Think backwards and move forward → That’s how you scale AOV and make the most amount of money.
Ascension Model:
As mentioned earlier that goal is to get them to ascend the ladder in your business and spend more and more money with you again and again.
There are only 3 ways you can get rich with this online thing:
- You get more people to buy from you more often.
- You get people to spend more money with you (high ticket).
- You get people to spend money with you over and over again.
Here’s How the Ascension Ladder Looks:

In the ideal world you want everyone who got the front end to buy all your products.
Freebie seekers or optin leads without any transactions have lower conversion rates.
That is the goal of the FSO offers, to start a transactional relationship. Freebie seekers seek freebies….duh! So only a super small percentage will buy!
Like I said earlier there is a place for the optin-page model but this is more profitable and develops skills faster because you’re playing with real money, thinking fast and implementing.
How do you create the FSO Offer Funnels?
1. Front End
Solve 1 single problem that your market has and solve it better than the others. Don’t give them more than what they need but just enough. NO MORE than 1 problem here.
Feeling extra generous? Do 2-3 but NEVER MORE than 3. That needs to be your OTO.
2. OTOs:
The OTOs are simple too (if you don’t overthink and cause paralysis by analysis). All you have to do in the OTOs is one of 3 things:
- Get them results faster (Time)
- Get them results cheaper (Cost)
- Get them results easier (Ease)
If you already have the bigger ticket item created it can literally be a module from your bigger program packaged differently.
Quick Hack
For one of my FSO offers I literally just packaged up my bonuses from the higher ticket $5,000 course and sold it at $247 or $497 if I remember correctly.
No extra work.
3. Higher Ticket Offer:
Something that delivers a transformation. Nobody buys a $3,000-$10,000 program to have more information and little results.
The reason they buy from you is they believe you can transform their lives. You are the SOLUTION, they really don’t buy your info….
…they have no interest in your videos or content pieces or how beautiful your PDFs or presentations are – they want results.
And yes… access to you. That is something that I give and it has been great so far. You’ll love working with the right people and giving them access to your phone is great – nobody really calls you.
Most of them still communicate via email but they know I’m not trying to hide which earns trust and trust gets sales.
“People buy from people they know, like and trust.”
Deep Funnel Strategy:
I will write a detailed post about it if there is enough interest but here’s what I mean by deep funnel strategy – MAKE MORE OFFERS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.
Do not leave money on the table. A buyer is a buyer is a buyer!
If you don’t sell more to them, they will still buy JUST NOT FROM YOU. And you had the opportunity because you started a transactional relationship with an FSO funnel.
Add OTO 3 and OTO 4 and a continuity, maybe a membership.
And maybe don’t sell it to them on the funnel because there are only so many steps a user wants to take before they get SUPER PISSED OFF by all the OTOs.
The sweet spot is right around 2-3 OTOs. Nothing more.
How do you sell more?
EMAIL THEM…. now remember I said ditch optins? But these are not freebie seeker leads. These are people who have bought.
A buyer lead is at least 20-40 times more powerful and they open and respond better if you build enough value and deliver results that they came to you for in the first place.
Buyers open emails because they remember who they bought from.
Freebie seekers don’t because they sign up on 10 lists daily!
Sell them OTO 3-4-5 via emails.
Keep’em buying and that increase the LTV or life-time value of a customer meaning you can spend even more to acquire a customer and that is how you win.
Ultimately the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer WINS.
Dan Kennedy
Another Growth Hack
When someone buys use Zapier to open a ticket on whatever support ticket software you use and then use the support ticket to send promos OCCASIONALLY.
Support desk software emails usually make it to the inbox’s PRIMARY tab and get better opens and responses.
All my buyers are ZAPPED directly into my support desk where I associate them with a success agent (better name for a customer support agent).
When I have something to sell and I want their attention… not only do I email them using my Aweber account, I also reopen their support tickets and make a comment on their ticket (which they didn’t create).
The End Game:
- The goal is always to increase AOVs so that you can beat your competition because you are able to spend more than them to acquire a customer and still do it PROFITABLY.
- Always think in reverse and have the higher ticket items sorted first.
- Then extract FSO and OTOs.
- OTOs can be modules from your higher ticket program (no extra work).
- FSO is aimed at starting a transactional relationship with potential $5-10K clients.
- FSO solves 1 big problem in the best way possible for the target audience.
- Always be making deeper funnels so the AOV and LTV rises.
Let me know if you need anything,