Tired of paying FB ridiculous amounts of money for each click?
What hurts even more is that the conversion rates lately have gone down the gutter.
(Experiment results included below with screenshots, but first the logic)
But I found a fix and it works like magic. NO HYPE, I really works well because it’s simple.
No silly scripts or coding either. It’s just understanding the purpose of each marketing element!
Let me explain:
- The purpose of an ad is to stop the scroll and get a click. THAT IS IT!
People try so hard to sell on the ad – the only PURPOSE of the ad is to get the click. - The purpose of the optin or lead capture page is to get the name, email (or any other contact info). THAT IS IT!
The Problem:
I have been running ads for a long time, I think 2015-16ish so I’m pretty decent at it. But the lead costs were getting ridiculous.
I was still profiting, in fact, I had a $11,415 day thanks to FB ads.

But I wasn’t comfortable paying so much for each single lead. So I went back to the whiteboard (where I do most of my thinking).
…and what I realised was I was acting fucking blind! I was doing what everyone else was doing and so I was having results everyone else was having.
I didn’t stop and THINK. I just followed the herd.
After about 5 hrs of thinking of a new headline for my optin/lead capture page. I had a EUREKA MOMENT. And I went:
I stripped my optin page naked. And removed the headline.
The result? The conversion rate went from 28.55% to 59.11%.
That is a massive increase and I know math is boring but here’s what it means.
- EARLIER: For 1,000 visitors I was getting 280-290 leads.
- NOW: For 1,000 visitors I am getting 590+ leads.
- That’s almost double the eye-balls to my offer.
- Meaning I can now make double the money in theory, in reality though it probably just went from 1X Earlier to 1.6X now.
- So 60% more sales just by GETTING RID OF THE HEADLINE!
And trust me I know it sounds completely counter-intuitive since all the copywriting gurus want you to believe the headline is the most important thing.
And it is…. honestly it is the single biggest factor that determines overall conversions.
BUT – remember also that each element has a purpose. If you’re using a funnel that looks like this:

The headline matters on the sales page or the green page in the above image.
The purpose of the optin page is to get the lead.
The Logic Behind My Experiment:
When you promote a product you try to come up with different ad angles.
You try different variations of the CTAs, different media types, different headlines in the ads, different hooks etc.
BUT what a lot of lazy advertisers like me do is they send them to the same optin page.
Here’s what kills conversion rates in this case: CONGRUENCE!
On the ad you say something like “This is how I built an email list of 5000 people”
And the headline on the optin page says “How to master traffic and conversions”
Even if the product is the same and it helps people with all 3:
- Building an email list,
- Mastering Traffic,
- Mastering conversions.
When a visitor comes to the website after clicking on the ad – there is INCONGRUENCE.
And people that click ads on FB or other platforms today are click happy.
If the website doesn’t load fast enough or there is any incongruence, they’ll say GOOD BYE and never even think about the website you put so much effort into building.
So here’s the page that I used instead:

And I shared above what this did to my bottom line.
Why it Works:
100% Congruence. I don’t even bother showing them anything on the optin page. They just see this: ENTER DETAILS TO PROCEED.
- It keeps the page super light so it’s fast to load.
- They clicked on the ad so they want what I have, I don’t want to be incongruent and show a different headline to these people. Especially because I test a lot of different angles.
- This also has protected me against the dreaded FB AD Bans, because I make no claims on the optin page. People who get banned use headlines like: “How to Lose 10 lbs in 10 Days Using a Magic Smoothie”.
But sometimes even legit headlines get banned. NOT THIS! There is no headline. - The optin page is true to it’s purpose – the purpose of collecting contact information.
So let the optin page serve it purpose like an honest soldier in your online business. Don’t give it equipment it doesn’t need to carry.
Strip the headline and share your results. If you at least get 50% more sales using this in your business – buy me a beer! 🍺