• This is not for you if you’re a complete newbie. 
  • This is also NOT for you if you’re not in a position to invest because this is NOT A PITCH for a course, or a program or coaching or consulting.

This is something that doesn’t come by too often.

But if this is the right fit for both of us – you’re going to walk away with a system that is doing $450-$600 per day without doing anything.

  • No product creation,
  • No writing VSLs,
  • No email marketing,
  • No copywriting,
  • No advertising skills….
  • None of the hard work. 

In the video above you’ll see me:

1. Logging into the actual business backend and show you the money we’ve made in the last 30 days.

2. Then I’m going to login to 2 partner accounts.

Partners are people who took me up on this offer last time…. and I’m going to show you how much they are making daily.

3. Then I’ll tell you exactly why my situation…

…with the family and the business…. right now

…means you can own a business that is generating daily cash – without you having to put in the work.

I promise I’ll be honest and transparent about it.

But I request you, that if it’s not for you and you realise it at any point during this video or while reading this – just close this page.

I just need 3 more partners and I don’t want to waste your time or mine.

So let’s get started….

The Backstory:

Let me give you a brief background…

So a couple of months ago, this is how my inbox used to look.

Full of payments coming in for a product that I worked on for almost 8 months:

$450-$600 Per Day Like Clockwork

Carefully tweaking the funnel, adding elements, removing elements and after thousands of dollars in ad spend it finally clicked.

I was doing an average of $450-$600 per day in sales.

And this was my morning routine for months, grab a cup of coffee – step into my balcony, look at the amazing view and checkout how much I made the last night while I was sleeping.

And then one day I woke up and saw NOTHING.


I thought it must be the internet or my gmail app wasn’t working…

…but that wasn’t the case.

My lovely morning ritual became a HORROR STORY real fast when I realised that I went from $450-$600 per day to ZERO.

I frantically got to my desk to try and figure out what was happening and I realised that STRIPE which is my payment processor had been rejecting all my payments. 

Anyone who tried to buy was getting this error:

And without a payment processor you have no business.

If you cannot get paid or accept payments – you’ll never make a dime! OBVIOUSLY!

…And the NIGHTMARE Began:

This started a nightmarish experience of going back and forth with my own development team, stripe support team, my funnel builder tools’ development team….

….and it went on for days.

Now, remember, each day wasted in communication means $500 less for me approximately.

Every single day.

And although it was hands-free now and lazy money it was money I made automatically nonetheless.

And I wasn’t getting an answer to anything. 

If I cannot accept payments, I’m not in business.

And this was better than the stock marketing, forex marketing or the crypto market.

I Was Multiplying Money Everyday Predictably:

This is how the stats looked then:

For every $1 I put in I was making $5.5 back.

Even on bad days I was making almost $4 for every $1 I spent.

And so I was desperate…. like anyone would be.

I had no answer and days were passing by slowly – I was refreshing my gmail inbox like crazy hoping to have a solution.

But nothing.

I Was Angry…

I was angry at Stripe, the support teams but mostly MYSELF….

This is not the first time I encountered this problem.

I am in India and cross border transactions especially the kind of volumes I do – has always been an issue. 

For years now….

And I’ve dealt with it rather lazily.

I haven’t been proactive when it comes to fixing it because things were more or less smooth and when the money comes in automatically you tend to get lazy.

But this situation made me take a closer look at my account. 

I started digging deeper and realised that Stripe had been rejecting almost 33% of the payments.

198 failed payments and 744 succeed. Almost 33% are FAILING:

That means, even when people wanted to pay me I couldn’t accept it because I’m not in the Tier 1 countries namely US UK AUS CA.

In the last 1-2 year I’ve LOST ABOUT $80,000 approximately by my most accurate estimation and it sucks.

And I didn’t even know about it until I was pointed in that direction by one of the Stripe agents.

😡 I was furious at myself but what’s done is done – water under the bridge.

The Need of the Hour:

The need of the hour was to figure out a way to get out of this and start making the consistent $450-$600 days!

And I’ve had a ton of ups and downs because I’ve been chopping at this online money tree since 2008….

…And I’ve been able to come up with creative ways to solve it.

And when things weren’t moving at all for almost 5-6 days I thought of a clever way to solve this issue.

I’ll get to that in a bit, but here’s what the creative solution has produced in the last 30 days:

So I’m kinda back on the horse again and this is where you come in. 

This is what your daily sales dashboards could be.

Because the screenshot you see above is not mine…. this is my partners/clients dashboard. 

And you could be my partner too.

It’s like we switch places and you take my money making machine and get deposits directly into your bank accounts…. 


Well, the creative way I decided to solve this issue was to partner with someone who already has a Stripe/PayPal account or can get their hands on one. 

And integrating their payment processor with the funnel that is already producing CASH!

That means I won’t have to wait for the support teams to solve this issue and the payments would go through smoothly because I’m only partnering with people from US UK AUS CA or any other country where Stripe is available.

That’s what I did with 2 people and the results for them have been phenomenal.

When you watch the video above you’ll see me login to their funnel dashboards and even their Stripe account showing you the money that they made.

My partners on this are killing it and I’ll tell you how YOU can become a partner in a bit…

…Another reason why my partners have been able to get higher conversion rates than me in some cases is their checkout cart looks like this:

Just collect the name, email and card info…. so simple!

On the other hand…

…Mine was FORCED to look like this because of the laws in my country:

Mine looks like an admission form.

Too many fields = lower conversion rate.

“Why Don’t You Setup an Internation Company and Keep 100% Prashant?”

Great question. The answer is I tried…. multiple times.

I tried back in 2016…. then again in 2024 but then decided against it.

This is my Estonian E-residency card:

  • I did all the formalities,
  • Paid the e-residency fees,
  • Visited their embassy,
  • Got interviewed and
  • Was granted this residency after about 2 weeks of my interview.

The last step was to setup a company in Estonia but some tax laws were too complex for me at that time…

…so even though I spent money and time getting the e-residency back in 2016, I didn’t go ahead.

Then in Jan 2024, I travelled to Dubai, which is one of the favoured digital nomad destinations, to get things sorted. 

The plan was to setup a company and move their with the entire family.

I thought I had a plan and everything was sorted but on the way back I thought

“Would it be fair to my parents who are in their late 60s?”

To put them in a new environment all together at that age didn’t sit too well with me.

I value family and relationships over money.

It wasn’t a do or die situation for me anyway, I live a pretty nice life and travel the world and have fun.

The goal was always freedom – that is why I started this business.

And to me freedom is being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want with whoever I want.

And honestly, it was a big confusion for me for a couple of months, I just couldn’t decide.

It’s a big move.

The Universe Made The Decision – Not Me!

Then just when I thought I was thinking too hard and I needed to make a decision – the universe made the decision for me.

On 13th of August, 2024 – My father’s blood pressure shot up and his medication wouldn’t work…

…We gave him the medication and waited but nothing.

Still around 220/160 which is super high and he’s 68 years old and has had a heart bypass surgery in 2013.

So this was not normal.

We took him to the emergency room where we were told that he had to be admitted in the ICU because his heart rhythm wasn’t normal on the ECG machine.

2 days after the admission, the doctors revealed that there were 2 more blockages in his heart that needed a surgical intervention – 2 stents were to be placed in his heart…

…and we had to make a decision the same day because he was already having a medical procedure called angiography.

Anyway, after the surgery – the road to recovery is very slow.

He is still recovering after months of the surgery happening but the universe made the decision for me.

I cannot leave my family behind – so the decision was automatic.

The only other possible option for me is partnering.

So Here is My Proposal:

Let’s talk on the phone for 30 minutes and if I think we’re going to be a good fit – here’s what I’ll do for you:

I will literally hand you keys to my business.

I will give you the products, the sales pages, the email follow up sequence, upsells, downsells, the months of hard work and testing on a silver platter.

I’ll even handle the support, delivery and updation of the products.

All You Have To Do are 2 Things:

  • Connect your payment processor (Stripe/PayPal).
  • Do what I do to get paid (10-15 minutes a day max).

I’ve been thinking of a simple way to explain this and the closest I’ve come is LICENSING.

I license out my entire working funnel, business, product to you and you keep 100% of the profits and they are directly paid out to your bank accounts.

It’s not one of those done for you setups where you wait for months to produce cash…

…this happens within 7-10 days max because there is nothing to build!

All the work is already done – all you have to do is integrate the payment processor.

The time it takes for the setup is the only wait time. 

And I guarantee you’ll make sales within days of working together because there is no experimentation involved.

I just showed you stats, the live logins and everything on video.

Why The Call? Why is There No BUY-NOW Button?

The call is just to figure out if we’re going to be a good fit. 

I don’t want your money if you’re not 100% clear about what you’re getting and speaking 1-on-1 is the best way to know everything about the business.

Booking the call is going to second most decision you can make in your online business, the most important one is going to be made on the phone.

See, I’m not some overnight guru.

I’ve been making quite money for a while, for those of you who do not know me, let me give you some background about me:

I started back in 2007-2008.

My first product launch was back in 2009 which is almost 15-16 years now. Closing in on the 2 decade mark real soon:

From 2008 – 2014 I had 23,987 clients and made my first million at 24 years of age. Almost 10 years back was my first million:

This is my Samcart account with $1.34 million which is recent:

I’ve had a $50,000 day which is no small feat:

I have an email list of about 100,000:

Almost 150,000 people follow my advice on FaceBook:

Imagine this – you make $8,700 in 4 hours, what do you do?

Then $13,394 in 3 days…. How are things going to be different if you made this:

This is Another $340,000 in 1 checkout cart solution:

Point being – I’ve been doing it for a long long time and I wouldn’t have survived if I wasn’t good at what I do.

Also, I’ve helped a ton of people:

(More reviews at the end of this post)

I’ve never offered this before and I probably never will in the future so if you’re on this page it’s a unique opportunity.

You’re Getting to Use Leverage:

You’re getting to use my hard work, months of effort, almost 2 decades of experience and simply plug yourself into a system that is already producing money.

This is how leverage looks:

  • Less Effort More Results – that is what the successful people do.
  • More Efforts Less Results – that is what the lone wolves who start things and then quit do.

99% FAIL Trying To Do it Alone

(Maybe you’re the 1%, Maybe You’re Not):

Let’s look at it from the birds eye view: 

The success rate in our industry is close to 1%….

….Meaning 99% fail because they try to do it all themselves without leverage.

They are a 1 man army against teams who are going after the same market.

There is no chance they can win the market and make money…. it’s just too hard because it’s 1 person versus a team of 5 or 10 people.

Couple that with the fact that some people have day jobs and the only time they can put in is after work.

So it’s their 3-4 hours of ‘after-a-tiring-day’ work effort versus the 30-40 man hour days a team of 10 can put in.

The only way to win in this game is leverage.

And this is your chance. Look at the stats in the video of another client who partnered:

  • $15,600 in the last 30 days
  • $3,430 in the last 7 days
  • $590 yesterday
  • $615 today
Funnel Stats: 30 Day Period
Funnel Stats: Last 7 Day Period

These could be your results.

I’ve spoken to over 5,170 people —— probably close to 5,200 people personally over the phone in the past few years so I know who I am looking for:

1. You cannot be someone who loves to sit on the side-line and wait for the right time.

Right time never comes and if I have to explain this to you – we’re not going to be a good fit.

2. You should be in a position to invest in getting access to a proven system.

If that’s you – click here to book a call with me and let’s talk.

Also…. this email is going out to the entire list in batches….

…So I will be rejecting a lot of applications (100,000 subscribers almost).

I will try to reply with a reason for rejection if your application is not accepted but it might take some time.

The most important part is you must have a Stripe/PayPal or be in a position to get it quickly if you want quick results.

Please don’t even apply if you don’t have the account. 

There are only 3 spots for this since I don’t want too many people onboard, click the link below to book a call:

Book a Call With Prashant

The Times Available are Intentionally a Little Hard Because if You Can’t Wake up 30 Minutes Early or Sleep 30 Minutes Late – We’re not Going To Be a Good Fit!

Hopefully we’ll talk very soon,

Testimonials For People Who’ve Paid To Consult With Me: