Let’s be honest here.

You keep bullshitting yourself….. I know I do. An embarrassingly high number of times infact.

→ I’ll do it tomorrow.
→ I’ll start this Monday.
→ 1st of this year I’m going be a new version of myself and kill it.


Either you’re willing to do what you need to do today or you’re not. Tomorrow doesn’t even exist.

All you have is this MOMENT, even the next moment is not in your control.
You might just die or I may die the very next moment.

So why bullshit yourself into thinking that your time is unlimited.

That you’ll do it some MAGICAL TOMORROW when tomorrow doesn’t really exist.

Most people will always live their entire lives in the hopes of CHANGE IN THE TOMORROW.

Yesterday you said tomorrow!

So what’s the solution – I’m an old fashioned guy so for me it’s falling in love with the process and making lists.

Why Process and Not GOALS?

…because anything you put your goal on a pedestal you will give it too much importance (read Reality Transurfing if you have the time) but the fact is, the more importance you give to a goal – the harder it is going to be to achieve.

Put anything on a pedestal and it’ll run away from you.

Why? Because of fear. You fear that if you don’t achieve X,Y or Z you are not a success or you’re not worthy or whatever your justification is.

And the more you fear something the more it’ll happen.

It’s the Murphys law:

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.

Murphy’s Law

The solution:

  1. Decide what you want to achieve.
  2. Work with someone who has already done what you want to do and build a plan of action. If you know the process even 70% start executing the rest of the steps will reveal themselves (mystery and magic of the universe).
  3. EXECUTE relentlessly without the expectation of a reward, just know that if you keep walking towards the north eventually you will reach the north pole. Not a great analogy but I hope you get the point. Keep moving one step ahead and the destination will be acheived.
  4. DO NOT worry about the goal achievement. You might have to iterate and change directions but you will be better off moving forward than trying to get everything 100% correct.
  5. Fall in love with the process and the goal will be achieved.


There is no tomorrow. All you have it today.

Take action or Don’t! You either live with results or consequences of your decisions.

Also, a lot of people will join you in your happiness but you’ll be alone when you regret the decisions and chances you didn’t take!